Choosing luggage can be a difficult thing for most people if they are not used to traveling. The matching bags can be suitcases, sports bags, rolling duffle bags, flight bags, weekend bags, bum bags or laptop cases.
Many cases often have leashes attached to the top corner, and were pulled along behind you. Despite the many different types of luggage available today and all the different colors and styles that was not always the case and in the beginnings of travel luggage the options were few and far between. Samsonite is known as being one of the top brands in the world.
I can tell you from experience that it s always far better to have it on wheels, especially if you do a lot of travelling. There are many accessories that are used while traveling, including adapters, surge protectors, toiletry kits, travel pillows, water bottles and luggage carts. You can alleviate a lot of frustration and agony in the event your luggage is lost.
There you go. Generally, pulling is easier, but if you do have a heavy case, try pushing it instead.